Ministry Motivation

"…but just we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the Gospel, so we speak, not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts." 1 Thessalonians 2:1-4
Well, we are already into the second chapter of First Thessalonians in our weekly devotional study, and let me point out that this entire second chapter deals with the subject of a pastor’s ministry to his people. Paul begins by discussing the “Minister’s Motivation.” He does so by talking about himself and his team, and how they viewed ministry. He writes that his team came not to deceive or with double lives (2:3) but boldly in God, even after suffering great mistreatment in Philippi. They were bold like this because they knew that they had been entrusted by God to preach His Precious Gospel, for His good pleasure, and they wanted more than anything else to please God! Every faithful pastor should have this as his main motivation: to faithfully preach the Gospel with which he has been entrusted. These days, any Pastor can be tempted to want to build a ministry for himself, or establish a platform for the spreading of his name online or elsewhere. However, God never calls a leader into the ministry in order for that leader to pursue his own objectives; God is instead interested in calling leaders who just want to be faithful to Him. May you be blessed to see this pure motivation in the Pastors who have a ministry in your life.
Heavenly Father, I pray for all those who minister vocationally over flocks around the world. I pray that that they will be given Your motivation afresh, so that it fills their hearts and strengthens their lives. Lord, work in them in such a way that, even through the troubles of ministry, a blessing can come to the flocks they serve. In the name of the Great Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Amen

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